Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Maze Runner Journal Entry #1

After Minho and I had tackled the abundance of Grievers, we slowly made our way back to the entrance of the Glade.  Exhausted and experiencing pain in every molecule of our being we tackle this unbelievably complex maze.  As we stumble along the believed path to lead us home we get to talking, I ask him if he remembers anything before the Glade.  He tells me that he has no recollection of anything before this deadly place, then he asks me if I do.  I hesitate but then say "bits and pieces of everything, it's kinda weird I guess just objects and places but I can't put faces to any of it".   He gawked at my statement, "well what do you mean bits and pieces"?  I recoil feeling almost attacked, You know just objects and stuff, and as he tries to stifle his doubt and we turn the next corner in the maze there is another deadly Griever awaiting to assist in our demise, round 2 is underway.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Moral Dillema

The upper floor breaks out in flames and the heat is almost unbearable,  Ms. Artlover looks at me and tells me that she has had a long and fruitful life and she believed that it was her time, so I look at the Mona Lisa, this unbelievable landmark in the history of the human race, and as everyone runs for themselves I run to the Mona Lisa.  As pandemonium erupts I grab this historical piece of art and start to run towards the door. The south stairs are packed with people so seeing the smoke come from the west section of the museum I decide to take the long trip to the north staircase and go out the exit there.  One of the biggest surprises to me was that through all this, no one even took a second look at me as I run with the most revolutionary piece of art to ever grace this earth.  I run through the halls filled with all these wonderful art pieces, knowing I would be the last person to see them.  I hit the stairs as the smoke is blinding, I run with incredible speed as I lept them and ran through the exit.  Sirens and flashing lights surround the museum and firefighters try to salvage what they can of this remarkable building.  I walk over to where the police officer's are trying to control the panic of the people.  I ask who is in charge, the officer says who's asking, I pull out the painting from under my suit jacket and ask for you to give this to him, his eyes widen as he takes the painting.  I ask the officer about Ms. Ada Artlover he says he doesn't know but he would like to take me in for questioning.  He puts me in the car and takes me to the station where I was asked to write this report of events.  So officer, any more questions