Monday, September 20, 2010

Historical Event

There are many historical events that have happened through out history, some good, some bad, but all important.  If I had the choice of going back to any historical event that has ever happened in the history of man kind, I would probably have to choose to stop the assasination of Ghandi.  He was a great man and did not deserve to die. Since I would be going back knowing that such events would take place I would be able to prevent his assasination, there for keeping Ghandi alive for those precious few more years that he has left.  Ghandi was a revolutianary man with a vision for peace and harmony through out the world, a vision it seems man kind has forgotten over the years.  Ghandi would have been a great asset if he would have been alive for a few more years to impact future generations.  Me and Ghandi would become good friends and I would be his partner in spreading peace throughout the world.  Ghandi you were a great man and we still miss you with all our hearts.

Ghandi We Hardly Knew Ye


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