Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I Used To Think...

I used to think that I would be something exciting when I grew up, like a police man or a firefighter or an astronaut.  But I never thought I would get conned to do something like this.  I'm to young for this, a life full of death and turmoil as a profession, no way.  My friends said it's good pay and easy money and we can all work together, other then the hours it sounded like a pretty sick gig.  All I had to do was drive to certain locations at certain times and keep the car running, I didn't even have to get out, sounds simple enough right?  I just got rid of my stupid N so I was basically a free man on the roads, I can go anywhere, anytime with whoever I want.  So when I went for my first day of training I quickly realized that this was not what I had in mind.  I can't really tell you exactly where we went cause it's all still under investigation but we went to a bank on the bad side of town.  It was me and 4 other guys but I wasn't driving since this was only my first day. 3 guys got out, me and the trainer stayed in the car as they non chalantly walked up to where we were sent to do our job.  Me and the trainer made conversation and talked about the game last night, Canucks and Devils and how the 3-0 victory was exactly what we needed, but all of a sudden our conversation was interrupted.  There was a man across the street with a baseball bat coming right towards our car.  I locked the doors but the trainer quickly unlocked them again, I look at him and with pure shock and horror exclaimed ''what are you doing''! he told me to ''open the glove compartment'' so I did and there stood a 357 magnum revolver with one bullet in the chamber.  He said use it if you have to and with that he opened the door and began a sprint directly towards the assailant.  I watched as the assailant was momentarily stunned by the act of heroism from the trainer but he then picked up speed.  Just before they collided the trainer does a quick maneuver to the side but the assailant predicts this and swings the bat with menacing force connecting with his temple and the trainer collapses in a heap on the pavement.  I see this but am frozen with fear,  When I finally muster up the courage to leave the car, magnum in hand I fear it's to late, the assailant has started to drag the body in a inhuman way, I line up the shot as the trainer lays motionless as the assailant drags him farther.  I run towards him and as I line up the shot he leaves my trainer and runs towards me and just as I pull the trigger the 3 guys tackle me to the ground as the assailant collapses in a heap on the cold hard pavement.  As sirens linger in the distance the 3 guys hop in the car and motion for me to join them,  I look at the 2 body's lying on the pavement looking for any sign of life and then as I walk to the car police cars leap around the corner and as they speed toward us my so called friends speed off leaving me to fend for myself against the inevitable fate of death or imprisonment.  So much for training huh.

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