Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I Used To Think...

I used to think that I would be something exciting when I grew up, like a police man or a firefighter or an astronaut.  But I never thought I would get conned to do something like this.  I'm to young for this, a life full of death and turmoil as a profession, no way.  My friends said it's good pay and easy money and we can all work together, other then the hours it sounded like a pretty sick gig.  All I had to do was drive to certain locations at certain times and keep the car running, I didn't even have to get out, sounds simple enough right?  I just got rid of my stupid N so I was basically a free man on the roads, I can go anywhere, anytime with whoever I want.  So when I went for my first day of training I quickly realized that this was not what I had in mind.  I can't really tell you exactly where we went cause it's all still under investigation but we went to a bank on the bad side of town.  It was me and 4 other guys but I wasn't driving since this was only my first day. 3 guys got out, me and the trainer stayed in the car as they non chalantly walked up to where we were sent to do our job.  Me and the trainer made conversation and talked about the game last night, Canucks and Devils and how the 3-0 victory was exactly what we needed, but all of a sudden our conversation was interrupted.  There was a man across the street with a baseball bat coming right towards our car.  I locked the doors but the trainer quickly unlocked them again, I look at him and with pure shock and horror exclaimed ''what are you doing''! he told me to ''open the glove compartment'' so I did and there stood a 357 magnum revolver with one bullet in the chamber.  He said use it if you have to and with that he opened the door and began a sprint directly towards the assailant.  I watched as the assailant was momentarily stunned by the act of heroism from the trainer but he then picked up speed.  Just before they collided the trainer does a quick maneuver to the side but the assailant predicts this and swings the bat with menacing force connecting with his temple and the trainer collapses in a heap on the pavement.  I see this but am frozen with fear,  When I finally muster up the courage to leave the car, magnum in hand I fear it's to late, the assailant has started to drag the body in a inhuman way, I line up the shot as the trainer lays motionless as the assailant drags him farther.  I run towards him and as I line up the shot he leaves my trainer and runs towards me and just as I pull the trigger the 3 guys tackle me to the ground as the assailant collapses in a heap on the cold hard pavement.  As sirens linger in the distance the 3 guys hop in the car and motion for me to join them,  I look at the 2 body's lying on the pavement looking for any sign of life and then as I walk to the car police cars leap around the corner and as they speed toward us my so called friends speed off leaving me to fend for myself against the inevitable fate of death or imprisonment.  So much for training huh.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Maze Runner Journal Entry #1

After Minho and I had tackled the abundance of Grievers, we slowly made our way back to the entrance of the Glade.  Exhausted and experiencing pain in every molecule of our being we tackle this unbelievably complex maze.  As we stumble along the believed path to lead us home we get to talking, I ask him if he remembers anything before the Glade.  He tells me that he has no recollection of anything before this deadly place, then he asks me if I do.  I hesitate but then say "bits and pieces of everything, it's kinda weird I guess just objects and places but I can't put faces to any of it".   He gawked at my statement, "well what do you mean bits and pieces"?  I recoil feeling almost attacked, You know just objects and stuff, and as he tries to stifle his doubt and we turn the next corner in the maze there is another deadly Griever awaiting to assist in our demise, round 2 is underway.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Moral Dillema

The upper floor breaks out in flames and the heat is almost unbearable,  Ms. Artlover looks at me and tells me that she has had a long and fruitful life and she believed that it was her time, so I look at the Mona Lisa, this unbelievable landmark in the history of the human race, and as everyone runs for themselves I run to the Mona Lisa.  As pandemonium erupts I grab this historical piece of art and start to run towards the door. The south stairs are packed with people so seeing the smoke come from the west section of the museum I decide to take the long trip to the north staircase and go out the exit there.  One of the biggest surprises to me was that through all this, no one even took a second look at me as I run with the most revolutionary piece of art to ever grace this earth.  I run through the halls filled with all these wonderful art pieces, knowing I would be the last person to see them.  I hit the stairs as the smoke is blinding, I run with incredible speed as I lept them and ran through the exit.  Sirens and flashing lights surround the museum and firefighters try to salvage what they can of this remarkable building.  I walk over to where the police officer's are trying to control the panic of the people.  I ask who is in charge, the officer says who's asking, I pull out the painting from under my suit jacket and ask for you to give this to him, his eyes widen as he takes the painting.  I ask the officer about Ms. Ada Artlover he says he doesn't know but he would like to take me in for questioning.  He puts me in the car and takes me to the station where I was asked to write this report of events.  So officer, any more questions   

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Behind Him, The Noise Escalates

Behind him, the noise escalates.  Words are exchanged, and even though we are witnessing a fairly violent sport, people are usually well behaved.  As beers are thrown and people converge to the area of the man causing the ruckus, things get crazy.  A man from behind him has thrown a chair down into the crowd and everyone is aggravated.  While the men from below attempt to find the assailant of the chair people are shoving and punches are thrown.  He looks behind him and sinks deep into his chair some how attempting to find refuge in the hard plastic.  As more and more people converge towards the point of the violence to try to get involved and security guards are in a mad rush to restore order there is a loud bang, he disappears and suddenly there's a mad rush for the door.  Some people run for safety, some run because there is no other option, and some are trapped beneath the wild stampede of people.  At the end of this horrific event dozens upon dozens are injured, 7 are dead, and he is missing.  He is believed to be armed and extremely dangerous, if you see him call the authorities immediately. Thank you for your time.

Sincerely,  John Sinclair

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Interview With All Canadian Quarterback Austin Conquergood

Z- "Austin, it's truly an honor to have you here for this interview, with only 2 years left in your high school career where do you plan on playing after high school".
A- " I plan on replacing Brett Farve after his 5th official retirement as starting Quarterback of the Minnesota Vikings".
Z- "Hm interesting do you think that your numbers will drop from 600 average passing yards per game once you hit the NFL"?
A- Possibly it may drop to around 300 seeing as I'll finally be playing around players closer to my caliber, not at my caliber, but closer".
Z- "Always Humble,  Are you hoping to play in the bigs with any of your highschool teamates, if so who"?
A-"Ya quite possibly, Right Guard/ Running back Justin Gabriel". "Other than that there is no one worthy of my time".
Z- " Is there any chance your looking for an agent that is trying to get out of the blogging buisness and make some serious cash flow"?
A-"Quite Possibly".
Z- "Is there any chance you would keep me in mind"?
A- "Probable".
Z-  " Once you hit the big time are you seeking captainship of the team, do you think you deserve it in your first year in the NFL".
A- "Yes, Why wouldn't I"
Z- " That's not for me to say", " Do you plan on having a relationship with the entire cheerleading squad,  or only 3 quarters of them".
A- "Only the good looking ones".
Z- " So all of them then, If a career ending injury were to come your way what would be your back up plan"?
A- " Return to my home town of Canada, and join the Air Force".
Z- " Well let's hope that doesn't happen, on a personal note this has been a great interview and I appreciate you coming in and sharing with us, Sleep well my children".

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Top 3 Fast Food Joints

       Everyone has there favorite fast food restaurant. Whether it's for the burgers, the taco's, or the chicken we all have a preferable place to eat.  So after a huge debate I have finally come up with the 3 ultimate fast food restaurants of our time, I know, it's kind of a big deal.  These restaurants were ranked on lack of grease,  menu variety, and overall tastiness.
      Taking the number three spot is Burger 55, a locally owned burger joint in Penticton B.C.  The service is impeccable and they turn the task of making a burger into an art form.  By far the best restaurant burger I have ever had.  Now It is expensive but I believe it is worth the price.

       Taking the number 2 spot has to be Arby's.  The diverse menu and tasty food is the perfect combination to take the second spot.  There diverse menu and incredible taste are not only convenient but also impressive.  Arby's is on the smaller end of Canadian enterprises but you need to eat it at least once before you die. 

       The moment of truth has come,  Taking the number one spot is.... Subway.  The fact that it's healthy for you, and it's not ridiculously expensive is enough for everyone to want to try.  The fact that it can also be toasted boosts the tastiness to unbelievable heights.

So here it is.  The top 3 fast food joints, so when your short on cash and big on hunger you now know where to go.  Feel free to print this out and show it to future generations as a guide. 

Sincerely Zac Thompson

Monday, September 20, 2010

Historical Event

There are many historical events that have happened through out history, some good, some bad, but all important.  If I had the choice of going back to any historical event that has ever happened in the history of man kind, I would probably have to choose to stop the assasination of Ghandi.  He was a great man and did not deserve to die. Since I would be going back knowing that such events would take place I would be able to prevent his assasination, there for keeping Ghandi alive for those precious few more years that he has left.  Ghandi was a revolutianary man with a vision for peace and harmony through out the world, a vision it seems man kind has forgotten over the years.  Ghandi would have been a great asset if he would have been alive for a few more years to impact future generations.  Me and Ghandi would become good friends and I would be his partner in spreading peace throughout the world.  Ghandi you were a great man and we still miss you with all our hearts.

Ghandi We Hardly Knew Ye
